

This site was first developed, then designed in the browser. It runs on Craft CMS and is hosted by the folks at Fortrabbit.

The fonts used are Atkinson Hyperlegible, an award-winning typeface designed by the team at Applied Design Works, created for the Braille Institute and awarded for its ingenuity and legibility; and JetBrains Mono by Philipp Nurullin for JetBrains. The 3D model Rock scan was created by laboratorija and is licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

I built this site while listening to Slow Eastbound Train by Daniel Herskedal, between bouts of reading Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, and all while eating lots of maple oatmeal.

Some interesting tools that contributed to making this site were Notion and Other sources of inspiration are collected in my channels text only websites and design entities.

On long breaks, I took my two puppies on walks with my wife. On short breaks, I refilled my water glass and played Tiny Islands by David King.